Sunday, December 28, 2008

Time: Unscientifically speaking

The universe is very complicated piece of shit to explain.

So, i'm going to explain it in a non-scientific way, if I may.

Here goes:

Time is change. Every entity in the universe changes. As a consequence of changes of all entities, time was born. As long as the universe keeps changing, time will continue to exist. Change how? You move your finger one hundredth of an inch, that's a change and time moves along with you. Theoretically, if all entities within this vast universe stopped moving - down to every last atom, electron, particle, muon, pion and gluon - time would stop as well. To record such moments would be totally impossible. This theory could probably explain the fact that time will always go forward, not backwards.

In an other semi-unrelated topic, the existence of time has its consequences. Or say, its "byproducts". So far, I've managed to identify two: Progress and Procrastination (there's actually a better word than "procrastination" but i can't seem to remember what. We'll just go with it at the moment).

Progress is when entities change accordingly, at the prescribed rate (let's say the rate which God decides the universe to enforce). Progress may occur in a cycle.

Procrastination can be described as delays: two types - the positive delay and negative delay.

Positive delay is when the rate of change occurs is reduced, slightly or more than slightly, than the originally intended rate because it is necessary. It may be necessary in order to prevent something or have something changed in the desired rate, let's say to synchronize with other entities. For example, the use of kryton switches in nuclear bombs as time fuses so the nuclear atom collides at a specific rate so it would achieved critical mass and then blow shit into the stone age.

Negative delay, of course, is to reduce the rate of change or stop them all together for no specific purpose nor intentions. This means inhibiting change of entities just for the sake of inhibiting. It could be perceived as an attempt to slow down time, which is not possible because slowing one or few entities is highly impossible and unimaginable. The true nature of this negative delay is still far from me being able to grasp - i may need time (ironically) to figure this out or maybe i won't be able to figure it out at all. It won't do it any justice to dismiss the delay as a result of bad intentions just because of the word "negative" alone. Negative here could be referred as an inverse of the latter (y'know, positive reinforcement + negative reinforcement from edu. psychology).

Lately, time has occupied my thoughts. It occurs to me how some moments were disappointingly fast and how some were painstakingly slow. I would like to write more on the stuff: the meta, the analogies and stuff. If so, then I'd be writing a term paper - which I'll need to attend evening classes in Physics, Astronomy and Chemistry to substantiate my arguments. There is a seeding interest in astronomy lately. Must be from those hours watching Discovery Science.

"Let's forget we're running out of time" - Clockwatching, Mraz.


Donut said...

What really prompted you to write all this may I ask?

Zen said...

y'know stuff. both personal and not.

I noticed how time went by so fast. And how we could not stop time.

And how people always say "time will tell" which they actually don't. Time happens. They don't govern the universe. Let's leave that to the almighty.